June 20, 2018 - Rafting the Grand Canyon Day Four

The view from our campsite this morning.
Scott, Matt and Thad hard at work making breakfast.  The orange buckets to the right served as a portable sink where you could wash your hands.  Ingenious.
While our group lounges around doing absolutely nothing but enjoying the view!
I can't say enough how great our guides were and how hard they worked.
Although everyone got along well together, we usually sat in three distinct groups:  our small group of six, the adults from the other party, and the young adults/kid from the other party.
The boats are pretty much loaded and packed now.
I think Lynnette was the only one of the entire group who brought a book to read.
And we're off on day four of our adventure!
Scott and Thad driving the lead boat.
We encounter white water soon after.
Stan is loving it.
A rare geology picture.  What's the deal on those diagonal stripes?  I think Matt said they were originally flat layers but the whole thing was shoved up on one side by gigantic forces millions of years ago.
We pulled over and did a short hike to this small falls.  The younger adults loved jumping off the rock into the cold water.
We all wore full-web sandals since we were in the water so much.
Returning to the boats.
Rare Bill and Lynnette shot.
Kevin downs a cold one.  Steve in his "General MacArthur" stance.
Matt answering someone's question.  I don't think he ever did not know the answer to a question: be it the history of rafting the Grand Canyon, geology, geopolitical politics, you name it.
Another stop in a slot canyon, and another short hike to a small waterfall.
We stopped again for another short hike up a slot canyon.
This one was dry and not much too it.
Lynnette trying to find some shade in the rocks.
Back at the river, we just relaxed for awhile.  It was hot so it was nice to be in the shallow water.
I heard something and saw these Bighorn Sheep walk by about 10 yards away.
There were actually three of them and they went up onto the slab sides of the canyon.  It was incredible how nimble and agile they were walking and jumping along the narrow rock ledges up high.
Lynnette looking for some gold in the river.
Rounding the bend.
The Barrel Cactus starts making an appearance.
Passing by more oar-powered rafts.
Approaching a serious rapid.
Done for the day.  Our campsite for the night.